May is Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month.
Statistically, the teen pregnancy rate (15-19 years old) in North Dakota is 13.7%.
Meaning, more than 1 out of every 10 teen girls in ND get pregnant before age 20.
This month, Connection Point is honored to share Ann’s story. At 16, Ann faced an unintended pregnancy. With hope and courage, she overcame challenges related to her son’s father and finishing high school, to name a few. Her story will be featured over the course of the month!
We’ll also discuss ways to prevent teen pregnancy and the risks related to becoming pregnant before the age of 20.
“There is always a silver lining,” says Ann today, 9 years after her son’s birth. “And it’s always what you make of it.”
Connect Medical Clinic offers education for pregnancy prevention, pregnancy testing and confirmation, and support for healthy outcomes for mom and baby. If you need help, make an appointment or call today.