Ladies, let’s talk about your cervix—a small but mighty organ that often doesn’t get the spotlight it deserves. This donut-shaped gatekeeper sits at the base of the uterus, playing a pivotal role in everything from menstrual cycles to childbirth. Here are some fascinating and helpful facts about the cervix: 1. The Bouncer of the Body:…
Cycle Care
Preparing For Their First
Hello everyone! Last time we had started a discussion on how to talk to the kids in our lives about their periods. I emphasized the importance of starting these conversations as early and as openly as possible. I am hoping it was beneficial information! This week we will expand this talk into actively preparing for…
Cervical Health: What you need to know
January is Cervical Health Awareness month, so what better time to talk about cervical health! I know I was never taught the importance of yearly well-woman checks or PAP tests. I only found out these were things women needed to do when I was in nursing school. To me, that is crazy! But all women deserve to know this information….
Am I Normal?
When I think about what I have been told a normal menstrual cycle is, I think 28 days, cramps, moodiness, and cravings. What if I told you that did not have to be your normal? You might be asking yourself well “Am I normal?” and I’m here to tell you everyone’s period is unique to…
Let’s Do This Together!
Last week we talked a lot about hormones and fertility. Today we are going to continue that talk on hormones and go into more reasons why our hormones, especially estrogen and progesterone are important! Bone Density Estrogen and progesterone also play a part in bone health. We have heard that estrogen deficiency causes post-menopausal bone…
Fertility, Mood, and More!
A period is essential for a woman’s well-being, but a lack of awareness can compromise her health and fertility. A period is a way for a woman to assess if her body is functioning properly. I also would like to mention that just because a woman is having a period, does not mean she is…
Why Periods Matter
Being a provider and a woman, I am embarrassed to say that I have never tracked my menstrual cycle until recently, nor did I have as an in-depth understanding of the menstrual cycle as I do now. I wasn’t aware if my period was normal or not, but I assumed it was normal for me….
She Did It All
Thank you, Morgan for the chance to share some thoughts on Periods from a male POV. I am honored to join this conversation with you but honestly am more comfortable talking about periods as they relate to sentence structures or even those periods of the day when I go for a run and tune the…
No Shame. Period.
Okay everyone, today we are going to have the period talk. Now, I am fully aware that this can be an awkward topic for a lot of people. I know in my family we never talked about anything related to periods. Not what it was like or what would happen during the first one. Nothing,…