Are you feeling…
- Anxious about getting pregnant?
- Frustrated by the side effects of your hormonal contraception?
- Nervous because you’re not using any method of contraception at all?
- Angry that the responsibility for birth control isn’t shared, but all on you?
Imagine what it would be like if…
- You could know confidently on which days it was possible to get pregnant, and on which days it wasn’t.
- You found a method of Birth Control that was free of side effects.
- You shared equal responsibility for family planning with your partner.
At Connect, we believe that you are the only one who can decide what method of birth control is right for you. Natural Birth Control (NBC) is not for everyone, but if you are looking for a low-cost, side-effect-free method, NBC might just be the birth control method of your dreams.
Here’s how it works: A healthy woman is only able to get pregnant 5-7 days of each cycle (see footnote 1). NBC teaches a woman how to read the signs her body gives her each day so she can tell if she could get pregnant (is fertile) or if she can’t (is infertile.)
A woman uses this knowledge to avoid pregnancy by timing sex for only those days that she knows she can’t get pregnant.
To use NBC, women keep a chart of the signs their body gives them each day. Whether it’s a written record or tracked on an App, keeping an accurate record of her daily signs, and having the knowledge to interpret these signs, is vital to the method being successful.
Natural Birth Control is a behavioral method of Family Planning, and its effectiveness depends upon the humans using the method just as much as it depends on a clear understanding of a woman’s biology. NBC requires cooperation between sexual partners, open communication, and self-control to reserve intimacy for only those times outside of the fertile window.
Yes, Natural Birth Control requires effort. But those who choose to use this all-natural, hormone-free, device-free method report that it is more than worth it.
Natural Birth Control is:
- Very effective at preventing pregnancy when used correctly (92-98% effective) (see footnote 2)
- No artificial hormones
- No side effects
- Low Cost (not expensive)
- Easy to keep private
- Has health benefits
- No internal or external devices/barriers
- Doesn’t reduce sexual pleasure
- No environmental impact
The medical team at Connect are Natural Birth Control Instructors through the FEMM Method of Natural Birth Control. Make an appointment today to learn more and to decide if this natural, evidenced-based approach to birth control might be right for you.
(2) FABMs for Family Planning, A review of effectiveness for avoiding pregnancy using SORT. Osteopathic Family Physicians, (2013) 5, 2-8, Elseer.